Statistics and Computing - Aims & Instructions for Authors

Aims & Scope

Statistics and Computing is a quarterly refereed journal which publishes papers covering the range of the interface between statistical and computer science.

In particular , it addresses the use of statistical concepts in computer science and the use of computers in data analysis. Specific topics which are covered include: techniques for evaluating analytically intractable problems such as high-dimensional multivariate integrals • search and optimization methods • computer–intensive (resampling) methods • simulation and Monte Carlo • graphics • computer environments • reliability of hardware • statistical approaches to software errors • information retrieval • statistics of databases and database technology • statistics and probability in expert systems • image processing • tomography • genetic algorithms • neural networks • reviews of programs, statistical languages, and packages macros and algorithms.

In addition, the journal contains original research reports, authoritative review papers, discussed papers, and occasional special issues on particular topics or carrying proceedings of relevant conferences. Statistics and Computing also publishes book review and software review sections.

Instructions for Authors

Submission of manuscripts
Four non-returnable copies of manuscripts are requested. They may be sent directly to the editor: Professor David J. Hand, Statistics Department, Faculty of Mathematics, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, UK. Submission of manuscripts on discs is encouraged; these should be prepared using a standard word processing package. Three printed copies are to be supplied with the disc, these matching the contents of the discs exactly.

Preparation of manuscripts
General layout of manuscripts. Four copies of the manuscript should be sent, typed in double-spacing one side of the paper only. The following should be sent: (a) Title page including an abstract of 100-200 words, the name and address of corresponding author. (b) The main text with sections and sub-sections numbered. (c) Acknowledgements. (d) Appendices (if any). (e) References. (f) Tables, each table on a separate sheet accompanied by a caption. (g) Illustrations (diagrams, drawings, and photographs) numbered in a single sequence from 1 upwards and with the author's name on the back of every illustration. (h) Captions to illustrations grouped together on one sheet.

Number both figures and tables consecutively in Arabic numerals and give them legends. The figures should each appear on separate pages at the end of the manuscript and will be photographically reduced from the originals and located in the text. Indicate where in the text they should appear (thus "Figure 6 about here"). Give a separate list of figure legends. The tables should also appear on separate pages at the end of the manuscript and their intended location in the text indicated.

General points
Avoid footnotes and abbreviations.
Sections should be numbered and titled; 1, 2, etc. for main sections; 1.1, 1.2, etc. for subsections and so on.
For those mathematical expressions which need to be numbered, use the form (1), (2), (3), etc. on the right hand side.
Give the source of any data.
Give sufficient details of software, pseudo-random number generators, algorithms, hardware, etc. for the reader to evaluate the quality of the results.
While there is no maximum length for papers, short papers will generally be refereed more quickly. Avoid unnecessary figures and tables.

References in the text must have the form: name (date), as in Efron (1983) and, at the end of the article the form:

Efron, B. (1983) Estimating the error rate of a prediction rule: improvement on cross-validation. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 78, 316-331.

Do not abbreviate journal titles.
Books must be cited by name (date) in the text, as in Thisted (1988), and have the following format in the reference list:

Thisted, R. A. (1988) Elements of Statistical Computing, Chapman & Hall, New York

The reference list must be in alphabetical order.

Publication procedure
Refereeing. All contributions are submitted to referees. Names of referees will be kept confidential, but their comments will be relayed at the discretion of the Editor-in- Chief.

Proofs and offprints. Proofs will be sent to authors to check typographic mistakes or errors in fact; no part of the article may be rewritten on proof. All changes and addenda submitted by the authors will be incorporated at the discretion of the Editor. The corrected proofs should be returned to the publisher within three days of receipt. Offprints may be ordered on a form which accompanies the proofs. There are no page charges.

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