Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing - Aims & Instructions for Authors

Aims & Scope

The Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing is a bi-monthly refereed research journal which publishes quality papers on applications of artificial intelligence in manufacturing. It informs readers on the effective design, development and use of intelligent systems. The Journal features new methodologies, developments, case studies, surveys and tutorials in manufacturing and acts as a vital link between the research community and practitioners in industry. The Journal is important reading for those with a common interest in manufacturing and artificial intelligence, but with backgrounds in engineering, management, business, mathematics, decision, cognitive and computer sciences. The Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing provides an important and effective applied research forum for developers of intelligent manufacturing systems.

Instructions for Authors

Preparation of manuscripts
General layout of manuscripts: Four copies of the manuscript should be sent, typed in double- spacing one side of the paper only. The following should be sent: (a) Title page including an abstract of 100-200 words, the name and address of corresponding author. (b) The main text with sections and sub-sections numbered. (c) Acknowledgements. (d) Appendices (if any). (e) References. (f) Tables, each table on a separate sheet accompanied by a caption. (g) Illustrations (diagrams, drawings, and photographs) numbered in a single sequence from 1 upwards and with the author's name on the back of every illustration. (h) Captions to illustrations grouped together on one sheet.

Original copies of diagrams and drawings should be supplied and should be drawn so as to be suitable for reduction to single column (89 mm) or page width (175 mm) of the journal, with special attention to lettering size. Photographs must be sent as glossy prints.

Units and symbols.
The SI system should be used. Where measurements are given in other systems, conversion factors or conversions should be inserted by the author.

References should be cited in the text thus: (Kusiak, 1988); and listed in alphabetical order in the reference section, at the end of the paper. The following arrangement should be used:

Journals: Kusiak, A. (1988) EXGT-S: A knowledge-based system for group technology. The International Journal of Production Research, 26, 887-904. Books: Poole, H. H. (1989) Fundamentals of Robotics Systems, Van Nostrand Reinhold Inc., New York.

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Publication procedure

All contributions are submitted to referees. Names of referees will be kept confidential, but their comments will be relayed at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.

Proofs and offprints.
Proofs will be sent to authors to check typographic mistakes or errors in fact; no part of the article may be rewritten on proof. All changes and addenda submitted by the authors will be incorporated at the discretion of the Editor. The corrected proofs should be returned to the Publisher within three days of receipt. The corresponding author will receive 25 offprints free of charge. Additional offprints may be ordered on a form which accompanies the proofs. There are no page charges.

Submission of manuscripts.
To ensure rapid refereeing and publication, four copies of the manuscript and illustrations should be submitted. Three photocopies of the illustrations should be sent plus the originals. Manuscripts can be submitted to any Editorial Board member or directly to the Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editors.

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