Review process
Papers within the scope of the Journal arc reviewed by two referees. Decisions of the Editors are final.
The manuscript
1. Title page
The following information should be provided. (a) a concise and informative title, (b) a running title (maximum of 50 characters), (c) names of author(s), one given name may be in full; an asterisk should indicate the author responsible for correspondence, (d) name and address of the institution(s) where the work was done, (e) and disclaimers, (f) full mailing address, telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding author.
2. Summary and keywords
The summary should be comprehensible without reference to the text and not exceed 200 words. The main findings and new and important aspects of the study should be emphasized. Up to five keywords or phrases may be submitted for indexing purposes.
3. Text
Length should not normally exceed 12 printed pages (24 pages double-spaced including tables, figures and references). The Introduction should state the purpose of the paper. It should not review the subject extensively. Methods should be described in detail sufficient to enable the work to be repeated, and suppliers of materials and equipment given if necessary. Results should be presented in logical sequence, with tables and illustrations as appropriate. Replications of observations and their statistical significance should be indicated. The data presented in tables and illustrations should not be repeated in the text. Discussion. This section should emphasize the implications of the findings, their limitations, and relevance to other studies; it should not be a recapitulation of the Results. Mini-reviews. These reviews should emphasize the state-of-the-science and give a clear indication of the importance of the topic and its likely future direction. The length of mini-reviews would be expected to be 6-10 printed pages (12-20 double-spaced typed). While covering topics thoroughly and critically the review should not contain vast numbers of references. Current Topics in Ecotoxicology. These should contain more opinion and can be more controversial than a mini-review. The author should have more freedom for speculating than is normally allowed in a regular paper. They should invite reply-either commissioned and in the same issue or subsequently.
4. References
References in the text should be cited thus: Jones (1991) or (Jones, 1991); two authors. Jones and Smith (1991) or (Jones and Smith, 1991); three or more authors, Jones et al. (1991) (or Jones et al., 1991). References to papers by the same author(s) in the same year are distinguished in text and reference list by the letters a, b etc. List references at the end of the paper in alphabetical order in the following style.Benson, C.W., Brook, R.K., Dowaett, R.J. and Irwin, M.PS. (1971). The Birds ofzambia. Glasgow: Collins. Douthwaite, R.J. (1980). Occurrence of birds in Acacia woodland and in northem Botswana related to endosulfan sprayed for tseste fly control. Environmental Pollution 22, 237-9. Murindagomo, F. (1989). Rates of tree loss and regrowth of Brachystegia woodland. In R.B. Martin, G.C. Craig and VR. Booth (eds) Elephant Management in Zimbabwe, p. 65. Causeway: Department of National Parks and Wildlife Management.
5. Tables
Type each table on a separate sheet, number them consecutively and provide them with a brief tite. Tables should be comprehensible without reference to the text but repetition of methods that have been described in the text are not necessary. Place explanatory material in footnotes. When results are expressed as percentages, state the absolute value(s) that correspond to 100%. Identify statistical measure of variation (see Reproducibility of Results).
6. Illustrations
Line drawings (not larger than 210 x 140 mm) and chemical structures should be presented as (1) India ink drawings on tracing paper or white card, (2) glossy photographs, or (3) high-quality laser printed computer outputs. Photographs should be well-contrasted gloss prints. Photomicrographs must have internal scale markers and symbols. Arrows or letters should contrast with the background. Where photographs of gel, autoradiograms etc. have been processed to enhance their quality, this should be stated. Colour illustrations sho~d be supplied as colour prints grouped into plates; costs of colour printing will be charged to the
author. Type legends for illustrations on a separate page. Explain internal scale and identify method of staining in photomicro-graphs.
7. Conventions
Use the recommended SI units. The correct names of organisms conforming with the international
rules of nomenclature must be used.
Book reviews
Books, monographs and reports submitted for review should be mailed to either Editor. Acknowledgements will appear in the Journal. Selection rights are reserved.
Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author. The proofs must be corrected within three days of receipt and returned to the publisher.
Authors will be given the opportunity to order offprints when retuming the proofs.
Submission of paper to Ecotoxicology will be taken to imply that it presents original unpublished work, not under consideration for publication elsewhere. On acceptance of a manuscript, the authors will be asked to transfer copyright for their article to the Publisher. The copyright covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the arti~e, including reprints, photographic reproductions, microfilm or any other reproductions of similar nature and translations. Permission to publish previously published illustrations must be obtained by the author before submission and any acknowledgements should be included in the captions.
(A more detailed version of the 'Information for authors' is available from the Editors or Publisher.)