Handbook Of Recording Engineering

Third Edition

John M. Eargle, President, JME Consulting Corporation, Los Angeles

Easy-to-use and thoroughly updated, the third edition of this classic handbook provides insighful and practical information into the entire recording process. It expands on material from the second edition while including new and innovative ideas. Written by John M. Eargle, an internationally recognized author and consultant in the recording industry, the book brings together essential knowledge on the most current concepts, methods, systems and solutions to everyday recording problems, covering all aspects of the business from the basic training in the studio to choosing the right microphone.

Special features of the book include a complete revision of chapters on digital recording and signal processing, in addition to thorough coverage of analog tape recording and code-decode noise-reduction systems. Recording systems are examined in detail including discussions of digital consoles and digital metering as well as the monitoring environment. Also presented is the latest information on the "how and why" of what is done in the studio including classical and pop/rock recording production techniques. Due to the rapidly increasing technological developments in the industry, the author includes completely new material on multichannel surround-sound methods, mixdown procedures and transaural techniques.

This timely text/reference offers recording engineers and sound/acoustical engineers valuable information on the latest principles and techniques of working in the recording business while providing students with easy access to today's most significant developments

1995: 7-1/2 x 9-3/4: 550pp
Hardback: 0-412-09741-9: $59.95

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