BERNOULLI will publish:
Papers containing original and significant research contributions: with background, derivation and discussion of the results in suitable detail; and where appropriate, with discussion of interesting data sets in relation to methodology proposed.
Communications: in the sense of new and important findings that merit rapid publication. Manuscripts should not exceed six typewritten pages (in double spacing), including figures, tables and references, and they should bear the word “Communication” above the title or the first page.
Papers of the following two types will also be considered for publication, provided they are judged to enhance the dissemination of research:
Review papers which provide an integrated critical survey of some area of probability and statistics and discuss important recent developments.
Scholarly written papers on some historically significant aspect of statistics and probability.
In special cases papers may be published with discussion.
Further, the Society has a twelve member Council and a number of standing committees to carry out the tasks outlined above. Final authority is the general assembly of members of the Society, meeting at least biennially at Sessions of the ISI.
Members of the Society receive the following publications free of charge:
Bernoulli, Bernoulli News, Short Book reviews, International Statistical Review, ISI Newsletter.
In addition members may subscribe at reduced rates to:
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Biometrika, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, Probability Theory and Related Fields, Journal of Time Series Analysis.
Copies of these publications, obtained through Member subscriptions, are for Members’ personal use only and not for hire or resale.
Members also profit from low registration fees at conferences organised or sponsored by the Society. Reduced rates are available for various categories of people, in particular residents of developing or emerging countries, students, joint or retired members.
For information on becoming a member of the Bernoulli Society contact:
Professor Volker Mammitzsch
Fachbereich Mathematik der Universität Marburg
Hans-Meerwein-Strasse, Lahnberge
D-35032 Marburg/Lahn
2. The Manuscript. Manuscripts must be typed double-spaced on one side of the paper only, with wide margins. Low-quality dot-matrix printers should not be used. Permission to reproduce previously published material must be obtained by the author prior to submission. The submission of manuscripts on disc is encouraged. These should be prepared using a standard word processing package. Four printed copies are to be supplied with the disc, matching the contents of the disc exactly.
3. Title page. The title page must include: the full title; the affiliation and full address of all authors; a running title (maximum 50 characters); an asterisk indicating the author responsible for correspondence and correction of proofs.
4. Summary and keywords. The summary should consist of one paragraph not exceeding 200 words, with mathematical expressions reduced to a minimum. Keywords or phrases should be submitted for indexing purposes. These should be arranged in alphabetical order.
5. Symbols. Symbols should not be used at the start of a sentence. First and second order subscripts and superscripts should be clearly distinguished throughout. Clear distinction should also be made between easily confused characters. Where there is ambiguity, or if the mathematics is handwritten, indicate the character by name in the margin the first time it is used. Bars above groups of letters and underlined letters should be avoided, as should multiple overbars. For compound expressions please use the exponent ½ rather than the root sign Ö. Please avoid abbreviations like a.s., i.i.d. and ANOVA. Write 0.05 not .05. Where possible, multiple parentheses should be given in the order [{( )}] etc.
6. Equations. Displayed equations should be numbered at the right hand margin. Short formulae should be left in the text where possible, but should not usually be more than one line high.
7. Illustrations. Line drawings should be supplied at double the intended size. Illustrations are to be numbered consecutively. They should not be inserted in the pages of the manuscript, but supplied separately with the typescript. Lettering should be unambiguous and should be typed or stencilled either in Indian ink or Letraset, large enough for any necessary reduction. Type-written or handwritten annotations are not acceptable. Illustrations must be presented as high quality laser printed computer output. Colour illustrations should be supplied as colour prints grouped into plates: cost of colour printing will be charged to the author. Legends for illustrations should be typed on a separate page. When symbols, arrows, numbers, or letters are used to identify parts of the illustrations, each one must be identified and explained clearly in the legend.
8. Tables. Each table should be typed on a separate sheet, numbered consecutively and provided with a brief title. Tables should be comprehensible without reference to the text, but repetition of methods that have been described in the text are not necessary. Explanatory material should be placed as a footnote to the table.
9. References. The Harvard system is used. When quoted in the text the style is: “…as discussed by Hennequin and Tortrat (1965)…” or “…as discussed previously (Hennequin and Tortrat 1965)…”. If part of a reference is indicated please specify after the reference, e.g. Feller (1966, Section 10.4), or Fisher (1934, p. 293). For three or more authors: Jones et al. (1991) or (Jones et al. 1991) is used. References to papers by the same author(s) in the same year are distinguished in text and reference list by the letters a, b etc.: Smith (1989a). References are listed at the end of the paper in alphabetical order and chronologically for the same author(s). Titles of papers and books are to be given in full. Journal titles should be abbreviated according to Mathematical Reviews. References to books, monographs and reports should include the year of publication, title, edition, editor(s), place of publication and publisher in that order.
10. Proofs. Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author for correction. The proofs must be corrected within three days of receipt and returned to the publisher. Alteration to proofs other than the correction of printer’s errors may be charged to the author(s).
11. Offprints. Authors will receive 25 free offprints of each article free of charge. Extra copies can be purchased using the offprint Order Form supplied with the proofs.
12. Copyright. Submission of a paper to Bernoulli will be taken to imply that it presents original unpublished work, not under consideration for publication elsewhere. By submitting a manuscript, the authors agree that the copyright for their article is transferred to the Publisher if and when the article is accepted for publication. The copyright covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article, including electronic distribution, reprints, photographic reproductions, microfilm or any other reproductions similar nature and translations.
Permission to publish illustrations must be obtained by the author before submission and any acknowledgements should be included in the captions.